Pajama Sunday and French Toast
September 14, 2014
Sometimes fate conspires to give you a free Sunday - or you work your butt off all week trying to make it so. Either way, French Toast is a good way to begin. It is so festive and delicious for the amount of preparation and clean-up it requires.
It's too simple for a recipe. Dip one piece of bread into one egg scrambled and place it in a skillet or on a griddle sizzling with melted butter. Turn. Eat. Multiply recipe as needed. If you make too many, put them in the fridge or freezer and toast them for future breakfasts. Any bread will do; in fact it's a great way to make use of stale bread. BUT, if you happen to live in Gainesville and have access to Vine Bread and Pasta's Country Loaf, you are so lucky. Like I am this Sunday.
Fourteen hours left of Pajama Sunday...
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